Artistic and Scientific Projects

Book Publications
Closing the Spiritual Circle of Life
God's Plan for Salvation
The Return of the Divine Feminine
A Joint Mission
Divine Partnerships for the Sanctification of Humanity
Bringing Heaven to Earth
The New Church
Walking toward the Heavenly Jerusalem
Mystic Journey of Spiritual Rebirth
Human Sanctification
Closing the Spiritual Circle of Life
The Restoration of Divine Order
treatise presents and combines theories and philosophies on the spiritual
rebirthing and ascension process emanating from psychology, comparative
mythology, and comparative religion. It addresses various states of the soul
encountered on the mystical journey to Divine Union and the various ways God
assists human beings in completing this process, both personally and
collectively. The analysis of the soul regeneration process-the science of the
saints-addresses human sanctification during earthly existence and eventually
beyond if the worldly life does not suffice to complete this process.
Furthermore, the role of the Divine Feminine in salvation history is highlighted
as well as the importance of the alchemical communion between divine
counterparts in the inauguration of the Millennium of Peace leading toward the
New Jerusalem.
Closing the Spiritual Circle of Life
The Restoration of Divine Order
treatise presents and combines theories and philosophies on the spiritual
rebirthing and ascension process emanating from psychology, comparative
mythology, and comparative religion. It addresses various states of the soul
encountered on the mystical journey to Divine Union and the various ways God
assists human beings in completing this process, both personally and
collectively. The analysis of the soul regeneration process-the science of the
saints-addresses human sanctification during earthly existence and eventually
beyond if the worldly life does not suffice to complete this process.
Furthermore, the role of the Divine Feminine in salvation history is highlighted
as well as the importance of the alchemical communion between divine
counterparts in the inauguration of the Millennium of Peace leading toward the
New Jerusalem.
Evolution of Creative Expression in the Migration Process
Hybrid Approach to Creativity
Arts, Science, and Everyday Life
The differential approach to creativity, integrating both domain-general and domain-specific features, was supported. This doctoral dissertation establishes different creative profiles with regard to specific domains of creative expression. It became clear that the profiles of architects and social scientists were reversed. The image of the psychologically conflicted architect, sometimes mentioned in the literature, was not supported. Psychological conflict was instead associated here with creative social scientists. Implications and limits of these results are discussed.
Closing the Spiritual Circle of Life
The Restoration of Divine Order
treatise presents and combines theories and philosophies on the spiritual
rebirthing and ascension process emanating from psychology, comparative
mythology, and comparative religion. It addresses various states of the soul
encountered on the mystical journey to Divine Union and the various ways God
assists human beings in completing this process, both personally and
collectively. The analysis of the soul regeneration process-the science of the
saints-addresses human sanctification during earthly existence and eventually
beyond if the worldly life does not suffice to complete this process.
Furthermore, the role of the Divine Feminine in salvation history is highlighted
as well as the importance of the alchemical communion between divine
counterparts in the inauguration of the Millennium of Peace leading toward the
New Jerusalem.
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